Support us

The sanctuary does not receive any funding from the Council or Government. We are completely reliant on the kindness and generosity of members of the public in order to keep the sanctuary open and care for all the animals. Our running costs last year totalled over £360,000.

A brown bulldog stood in a green field
An akita dog lying down on lush, green grass and looking at the camera


Sponsorship is a great way to provide the sanctuary with much needed funding. Sponsor one of our resident animals or even a whole animal house!

A brown and white dog wearing a red harness and stood in green field. His mouth is open and looks happy


If your business would be interested in supporting a project or event with All Creatures Great and Small, please contact us

A brown English bulldog


At All Creatures Great and Small we rely hugely on the hard work of our volunteers and the public to help us raise much needed funds.

A brown and white dog wearing a red harness and stood in green field. His mouth is open and looks happy

Leave a Gift in Your Will

Did you know that a gift to All Creatures Great and Small in your will reduces inheritance tax on any remainder of your estate?

Charity Shops

Visit our charity shop in Risca and Usk!